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Our Company

R-SC TRAINING was established in November 2013 as a division of Rudolph-Shortt consultancy cc, which was established in 2005, from years of experience in the regulatory, quality assurance, laboratory testing and production of medicines, medical devices, toiletries and foods

R-SC TRAINING  therefore provides an experienced and professional training provider with clear objectives towards customer satisfaction and secure key values of ethics and integrity.

The tutor presents with vast experience and involvement in the field of the courses listed:


best-practise Effectively trained staff learn&lead



To allow our clients to gain a business confidence from

  • effective management system implementation
  • realised management controls and consistency in Outputs.
  • marketing benefits through compliance to international and / or local standards and legislation

Effectively trained staff can provide the following business opportunities

  • Assurance (Effective Audits, Certification)
  • Compliance (Organizational Integrity)
  • Information (Procedures, records & reports)

Key Values

  • Total commitment to providing a professional value adding service
  • Establishing and maintaining a professional relationship built on a shared vision, values and sound business principles
  • Direction towards continual improvement by realizing management system or operational benefits


NEXT course:


JHB (Johannesburg).
CTN COURSE dates To follow - email info@r-sctraining.co.za to pre-book - Click here to APPLY


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Quick contact

Tel: +27 31 563 3271
Cell: +27 82 871 5740
Email: shortt@gns.co.za



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